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Eurobarometer on animal welfare: 84% of EU citizens want change on imports

A newly released Eurobarometer on Attitudes of Europeans towards Animal Welfare shows that when it comes to imports from non-European Union countries, 84% of people believe that the current situation should change, either by requiring imports to meet EU standards, or a labelling system. Just 1 in 10 believe that there is no need for change.

The barometer, an official tool that is used to advise the EU institutions, surveyed over 26,000 citizens across all member states in March 2023.


  • Over 90% of Europeans consider that it is important to protect the welfare of farmed animals.

  • More than 8 in 10 Europeans believe that the welfare of farmed animals in their country should be better protected than it is now.

“It’s clear that animal welfare is of great importance to EU citizens, and that they do not want EU consumption to fuel inhumane farming beyond the EU’s borders.” says Mandy Carter, Co-Executive Director.

The timing of the Eurobarometer survey is significant, as citizens are still waiting for the Commision to deliver the promised proposals on animal welfare before the end of the current political term, including on the European Citizen’s Initiative End the Cage Age.


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